Monday, May 21, 2012

Thing Number Two | Morning Routine

5AM by the clock (4:50AM real time):  first alarm  |  5:30AM by the clock (5:20AM real time):  second alarm—get up  |  Go to the bathroom  |  Pack lunch (unusual because I didn’t have to pack Jon’s lunch—he was going to an SLP meeting/luncheon at work)  |  Start the fire under the kettle and dump the cocoa packet in Jon’s mug  |  Water the plants  (a pot of basil and some kind of tree-ish plant that we grew from a cutting that Jon’s mom gave us)  | change the light bulb in the pub table lamp  |  Check e-mail on the iPad  |  Get the newspaper from the driveway  |  5:40AM real time:  Wake up Jon  (because it was a Friday he was in a good mood, so I got a cuddle and a kiss)  |  Iron work clothes  |  Pluck eyebrows, wash face with Neutrogena Acne Wash, and put in contact lenses (I’m too scared to get Lasik)  |  Read for a bit  |  6:10AM Take a photo of my breakfast (chocolate milk in a glass and a scoop of dry Cheerios in a tea cup—Jon kind of hates my breakfast) and then eat it while reading the paper  |  Start the dishwasher  |  Write a note to Robin Ann (we write to each other weekly; I usually write on Saturday mornings but I had time to write on this Friday)  |  7AM Pray for Jon, hand him his lunch, and kiss him good-bye  |  Write “Jewelry” journaling for the Ali Edwards’ “31 Things” class I’m taking  |  7:40AM Do my arm weights exercise routine while watching a DVR-ed episode of “The Big Bang Theory” which takes me almost exactly 20 minutes, since I fast forward through the commercials (TBBT is a guilty pleasure that I only allow myself to watch when I’m working out)  |  Brush teeth and apply lotions  |  Get dressed  |  Curl hair and do make-up  |  8:20AM Leave for work

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