It's the last day of April and I'm glad to see April go. See you, April 2011. Glad you won't be coming 'round again.
I had high hopes for April. Jon would go on Easter Break and then, a couple weeks later, I would go on Easter Break. We would celebrate Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. The weather should start becoming less wintery and more spring-like. Maybe we would get outside for a hike or a day-trip, or visit friends at the beach, or spend some extra time with the nephews.
But on April 2nd, we were blindsided: Beasley died.
And that pretty much finished April for me.
Sure, we went on Easter Breaks but we were both so lonely during our respective times off. Yes, we celebrated Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter but we were still sad. Got to spend time with the nephews, too, but even those sweet little boys couldn't fill the hole in our hearts.
We just really, really, really miss our dog.
Love you, Mr. B. Thanks for twelve great years. See you in heaven.