Mid-July is the half-way point of my summer. School gets out in early-June and starts up again in late-August so mid-July is right in the middle of summer. This is the point at which I have to fight my natural inclination to get depressed because summer is "almost over." Yes, I know it's not really almost over. I still have days and weeks of summer left to enjoy. I still have one big vacation to take. I still have ice cream to eat and books to read and home projects to complete.
But summer is offically waning. Good thing we're making it fun!
I know nothing about baseball. I take that back; I know that you have to hit a ball with a bat and run from base to base while players from the other team try to tag you with the ball to get you out. I don't go to baseball games for the love of the game. I go for the food, the camaraderie, and the cheesy mascots. This time, we took Jen and Dean with us. Dean actually played baseball so he takes it way more seriously than I do.
I loooooove county fairs! We go to the LA County Fair in September, right around my birthday. But lately Jon and I have been going to the San Diego County Fair at the start of summer. It's right by the beach, which is so cool. The only thing that would make it cooler is if they opened a train depot at the fairgrounds. Any excuse to take a train is a good excuse. We got in free this year, thanks to Kim and Danny. They gave us free tickets from Danny's mom and we met them and the kids for a day at the fair. I got to ride the kiddie rides with Caroline (Kim's not a big fan of carnival rides) and Jon got to ride the normal rides with Danny and the boys and then we all saw Switchfoot (a pretty awesome "free" concert). Plus, we all got to eat fair food. Ahhhh, fair food!
San Francisco! I haven't been in years and Jon's never been so this was an especially fun trip. We just spent a few days in the city and our stay at Le Meridien was a graduation from gift from Michael and Becca. Who knew that agreeing to become godparents for an adorable little boy would also net us free hotel stays? Loved San Francisco. While the east coast was sweltering in 100 degree heat, we were buying sweaters and tying on scarves. We ate sourdough at Boudin (and the best stew I've had in my life) and ice cream sundaes at Ghirardelli. We rode every form of public transportation we could find: BART, MUNI, bus, streetcar, cable car. We walked up hills and down the crookedest street in the country. We explored the CA Academy of Science and stepped out on the Golden Gate Bridge. It was an excellent trip and I'm ready to go back, right now!

Apparently my longing to return to San Francisco communicated itself to Blogger, which decided to publish my San Francisco page twice. I don't know why and multiple attempts to remove the second page have failed so I'm leavin' it.